
Shared Database

At work, we have a shared Database so everyone can access information from different computers, different offices, etc. This is to make things a lot easier. . .

Well today the Database reached the new level of Butt-Hole with me. First thing this morning when I tried to save a new document, the save page wouldn't work. I ended up having to force quit the program as it froze. However it apparently did save the document, just not in a format that would open. So all my changes had been lost, it also froze the program.

That was Restart #1 and happened before 8 am.

The second restart occurred when two documents froze. Now these two documents I had opened for reference, and nothing else. For whatever reason they decided that when I tried to close then, that they refused to close. Causing me yet again to open Task Manager and force quit. Which also closed the documents I was working on (I saved prior to the close). This however for some reason locked out the documents I was using.

Restart #2 has now happened and it is like 8:15 am. Did I mention I'm not a morning person? Really should just avoid me before 9 am. My computer is now walking on thin ice. I'm fantasizing of a way to pull this Database program out and go "Office Space" on it's a%% (the movie not the TV show).

Next thing I'm working on, I've finished, and I go to close one of the three documents open. However it closes the wrong document. Even the save question was related to the document I said to close... however it's now locked open the document I wanted closed and closed the one I wanted open. And locked it out so I can't open it again.

Restart #3 and I'm about ready to throw this computer out of the window. Not only did it close the wrong document, but it lost the last 15 min of work I had done. Luckily my 11 am meeting had been postponed until tomorrow because this was 11:15 am. I haven't even had lunch yet and I'm ready to call it a day.

Pet Peeve: Workplaces who by cheap software and force the employees to somehow make it work and a database which punishes you for something you did in another life.

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