
Black is all the rage

I received back an edited copy of a manual I am working on. I'm all for have people review my work, as fresh eyes definitely can show things that I've missed. Especially when I'm on round 100 of updates/changes (or so it feels like).

But maybe I've worked too long in restricted areas in the past, as we were forced to use only certain colour inks during certain times, but I came across a Pet Peeve today.

Pet Peeve: People who edit black print documents in pencil or black in. Black on Black isn't what you call the easiest of all colours to catch when flipping through 200 page document. Maybe throw in a little blue, red, heck even a bit of green would work fine just for me. Just not something that has colour and stands out on a page!

Oh and maybe look up some definitions, like "wordsmith the addition" is not actually a sentence that makes sense... AND e.g. and i.e. are not actually the same thing, so don't use them interchangeably.


Turning the page

Twice this week I've been given documents to make updates/changes too. Each time the person while flipping through the pages to review the changes, licked their fingers for ease page flipping.

Now I'm not a germ-a-phob by any means, but I really rather not have salvia soaked pages to work with either. Especially with a stomach flu running rampant.

Pet peeve: People too lazy to use moisturizer and have dry hands. People who don't invest .10 cents for a rubber finger. People who think licking fingers and touching others work is acceptable. Keep your digestive juices to yourself!!



Now I'm cool with women who want to wear the nails all fancy-like. Personally I don't understand how one types or writes or anything with long nails, but women seem to get things done in-spite of this. (Also have sympathy for guys who's girl have daggers for nails as that can be all kinda of unpleasant!).

BUT there is a limit on when/e these things should be taken care of!

Pet peeve: people who apply or remove polish at their desks. Women who cannot have a five minute conversation without filing. And lastly those who clip their nails at work (hey if it's broken fix it but all out clip-fest is not acceptable), keep your nails on your side of the cube also keep your socks on, no one wants to see you elbow deep in toe jam.


Flow charts

The whole reason for a flow chart is to give the reader a visual step by step view of a process...

Pet Peeve: people who do not know how to use software correctly to create a flow chart... Disjointed arrows, boxes askew and random colour usage looks awful. If you can't do the job right ask someone who can!!


Conference call etiquette

Per peeve: People who do not mute their phones when not actively talking on a conference call. Resulting in deafening coughing and ghost-like whispers. Very distracting.

Oh and chewing gum makes it sound like a cow is listening in.


Long days...

Really dislike the days where Father Time has slowed time down to sloth pace.


How much is to much?

When someone can be tracked from an elevator to their desk by scent alone, that means the cologne or perfume is WAY too much.

If someone walks by you and looks like they've suddenly tasted something awful, this also means cut back on the smelly products.

If you leave a trail of coughing and/or sneezing people in your wake from the foggy haze of perfume surrounding you, it's too much.

If someone can identify a location you've been ten minutes after you left because your scent still lingers, it's not a compliment.

Pet peeve: people who think more is better when it comes to scented product, they leave a bad taste in my mouth.... Literally!


Xmas parking

Christmas is the time of year for celebrating family, friends, giving presents... And oh yes, let's not forget the season where everyone goes a little crazy and turns into a stalker.

It's the one time a year where mall parking spaces are at a premium, bumper to bumper line ups inside and out and slowly tracking someone from a mall entrance to their car is generally accepted.

Pet peeve: the people who honk impatiently for you to somehow maneuver the 50in tv into your Corolla (seemed like a good idea in the store...) a little faster. Look buddy your kid can deal without having the latest fad, which they will hate 5 min later. I however need my Greys Anatomy fix so back off!!


People vs Technology

I know there are a lot of people young and old who push back against technology.

You can easily tell who those people are by the hunt and peck typing or by the attempt to pound the keyboard into pieces.

Pet peeve: people who have no idea that pounding your keyboard is unnecessary and seriously annoying to those around them. If you hate it that much, just use as a bat to your own head and knock yourself out so the rest of us can type in relative silence.